Source code for codetransformer.patterns

from operator import methodcaller, index, attrgetter
import re
from types import MethodType

from .utils.instance import instance
from .utils.immutable import immutable

#: The default startcode for patterns.
mcompile = methodcaller('mcompile')

def _prepr(m):
    if isinstance(m, or_):
        return '(%r)' % m

    return repr(m)

def coerce_ellipsis(p):
    """Convert ... into a matchany
    if p is ...:
        return matchany

    return p

class matchable:
    """Mixin for defining the operators on patterns.
    def __or__(self, other):
        other = coerce_ellipsis(other)
        if self is other:
            return self

        if not isinstance(other, matchable):
            return NotImplemented

        patterns = []
        if isinstance(self, or_):
        if isinstance(other, or_):

        return or_(*patterns)

    def __ror__(self, other):
        # Flip the order on the or method
        if not isinstance(other, matchable):
            return NotImplemented

        return type(self).__or__(coerce_ellipsis(other), self)

    def __invert__(self):
        return not_(self)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
            n = index(key)
        except TypeError:
            return matchrange(self, n)

        if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) in (1, 2):
            return matchrange(self, *key)

        if isinstance(key, modifier):
            return postfix_modifier(self, key)

        raise TypeError('invalid modifier: {0}'.format(key))

class postfix_modifier(immutable, matchable):
    """A pattern with a modifier paired with it.
    __slots__ = 'matchable', 'modifier'

    def mcompile(self):
        return self.matchable.mcompile() + self.modifier.mcompile()

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%r[%r]' % (self.matchable, self.modifier)
    __str__ = __repr__

class meta(matchable):
    """Class for meta patterns and pattern likes. for example: ``matchany``.
    def mcompile(self):
        return self._token

    def __repr__(self):
        return self._token.decode('utf-8')
    __str__ = __repr__

class modifier(meta):
    """Marker class for modifier types.

[docs]class var(modifier): """Modifier that matches zero or more of a pattern. """ _token = b'*'
[docs]class plus(modifier): """Modifier that matches one or more of a pattern. """ _token = b'+'
[docs]class option(modifier): """Modifier that matches zero or one of a pattern. """ _token = b'?'
class matchrange(immutable, meta, defaults={'m': None}): __slots__ = 'matchable', 'n', 'm' def mcompile(self): m = self.m return ( self.matchable.mcompile() + b'{' + bytes(str(self.n), 'utf-8') + b',' + (b'' if m is None else (b', ' + bytes(str(m), 'utf-8'))) + b'}' ) def __repr__(self): return '{matchable}[{args}]'.format( matchable=_prepr(self.matchable), args=', '.join(map(str, filter(bool, (self.n, self.m)))), ) @instance
[docs]class matchany(meta): """Matchable that matches any instruction. """ _token = b'.' def __repr__(self): return '...'
[docs]class seq(immutable, matchable): """A sequence of matchables to match in order. Parameters ---------- \*matchables : iterable of matchable The matchables to match against. """ __slots__ = 'matchables', def __new__(cls, *matchables): if not matchables: raise TypeError('cannot create an empty sequence') if len(matchables) == 1: return coerce_ellipsis(matchables[0]) return super().__new__(cls) def __init__(self, *matchables): self.matchables = tuple(map(coerce_ellipsis, matchables)) def mcompile(self): return b''.join(map(mcompile, self.matchables)) def __repr__(self): return '{cls}({args})'.format( cls=type(self).__name__, args=', '.join(map(_prepr, self.matchables)) )
class or_(immutable, matchable): """Logical or of multiple matchables. Parameters ---------- *matchables : iterable of matchable The matchables to or together. """ __slots__ = '*matchables', def mcompile(self): return b'(' + b'|'.join(map(mcompile, self.matchables)) + b')' def __repr__(self): return ' | '.join(map(_prepr, self.matchables)) class not_(immutable, matchable): """Logical not of a matchable. """ __slots__ = 'matchable', def mcompile(self): matchable = self.matchable if isinstance(matchable, (seq, or_, not_)): return b'((?!(' + matchable.mcompile() + b')).)*' return b'[^' + matchable.mcompile() + b']' def __repr__(self): return '~' + _prepr(self.matchable)
[docs]class pattern(immutable): """ A pattern of instructions that can be matched against. This class is intended to be used as a decorator on methods of CodeTransformer subclasses. It is used to mark that a given method should be called on sequences of instructions that match the pattern described by the inputs. Parameters ---------- \*matchables : iterable of matchable The type of instructions to match against. startcodes : container of any The startcodes where this pattern should be tried. Examples -------- Match a single BINARY_ADD instruction:: pattern(BINARY_ADD) Match a single BINARY_ADD followed by a RETURN_VALUE:: pattern(BINARY_ADD, RETURN_VALUE) Match a single BINARY_ADD followed by any other single instruction:: pattern(BINARY_ADD, matchany) Match a single BINARY_ADD followed by any number of instructions:: pattern(BINARY_ADD, matchany[var]) """ __slots__ = 'matchable', 'startcodes', '_compiled' def __init__(self, *matchables, startcodes=(DEFAULT_STARTCODE,)): if not matchables: raise TypeError('expected at least one matchable') self.matchable = matchable = seq(*matchables) self.startcodes = startcodes self._compiled = re.compile(matchable.mcompile()) def __call__(self, f): return boundpattern(self._compiled, self.startcodes, f) def __repr__(self): return '{cls}(matchable={m!r}, startcodes={s})'.format( cls=type(self).__name__, m=self.matchable, s=self.startcodes, )
class boundpattern(immutable): """A pattern bound to a function. """ __slots__ = '_compiled', '_startcodes', '_f' def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self return type(self)( self._compiled, self._startcodes, MethodType(self._f, instance) ) def __call__(self, compiled_instrs, instrs, startcode): if startcode not in self._startcodes: raise NoMatch(compiled_instrs, startcode) match = self._compiled.match(compiled_instrs) if match is None or match.end is 0: raise NoMatch(compiled_instrs, startcode) mend = match.end() return self._f(*instrs[:mend]), mend class NoMatch(Exception): """Indicates that there was no match found in this dispatcher. """ pass class patterndispatcher(immutable): """A set of patterns that can dispatch onto instrs. """ __slots__ = '*patterns', def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self return boundpatterndispatcher( instance, *map( methodcaller('__get__', instance, owner), self.patterns, ) ) class boundpatterndispatcher(immutable): """A set of patterns bound to a transformer. """ __slots__ = 'transformer', '*patterns' def _dispatch(self, compiled_instrs, instrs, startcode): for p in self.patterns: try: return p(compiled_instrs, instrs, startcode) except NoMatch: pass raise NoMatch(instrs, startcode) def __call__(self, instrs): opcodes = bytes(map(attrgetter('opcode'), instrs)) idx = 0 # The current index into the pre-transformed instrs. post_transform = [] # The instrs that have been transformed. transformer = self.transformer while idx < len(instrs): try: processed, nconsumed = self._dispatch( opcodes[idx:], instrs[idx:], # NOTE: do not remove this attribute access # self._dispatch can mutate the value of the startcode transformer.startcode, ) except NoMatch: post_transform.append(instrs[idx]) idx += 1 else: post_transform.extend(processed) idx += nconsumed return tuple(post_transform)