Source code for codetransformer.transformers.pattern_matched_exceptions

import sys

from ..core import CodeTransformer
from ..instructions import (
from ..patterns import pattern

def match(match_expr, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
    Called to determine whether or not an except block should be matched.

    True -> enter except block
    False -> don't enter except block
    # Emulate standard behavior when match_expr is an exception subclass.
    if isinstance(match_expr, type) and issubclass(match_expr, BaseException):
        return issubclass(exc_type, match_expr)

    # Match on type and args when match_expr is an exception instance.
    return (
        issubclass(exc_type, type(match_expr))
        match_expr.args == exc_value.args

[docs]class pattern_matched_exceptions(CodeTransformer): """ Allows usage of arbitrary expressions and matching functions in `except` blocks. When an exception is raised in an except block in a function decorated with `pattern_matched_exceptions`, a matching function will be called with the block's expression and the three values returned by sys.exc_info(). If the matching function returns `True`, we enter the corresponding except-block, otherwise we continue to the next block, or re-raise if there are no more blocks to check Parameters ---------- matcher : function, optional A function accepting an expression and the values of sys.exc_info, returning True if the exception info "matches" the expression. The default behavior is to emulate standard python when the match expression is a *subtype* of Exception, and to compare exc.type and exc.args when the match expression is an *instance* of Exception. Example ------- >>> @pattern_matched_exceptions() ... def foo(): ... try: ... raise ValueError('bar') ... except ValueError('buzz'): ... return 'buzz' ... except ValueError('bar'): ... return 'bar' >>> foo() 'bar' """ def __init__(self, matcher=match): super().__init__() self._matcher = matcher if sys.version_info < (3, 6): from ..instructions import CALL_FUNCTION_VAR def _match(self, instr, CALL_FUNCTION_VAR=CALL_FUNCTION_VAR): yield ROT_TWO().steal(instr) yield POP_TOP() yield LOAD_CONST(self._matcher) yield ROT_TWO() yield LOAD_CONST(sys.exc_info) yield CALL_FUNCTION(0) yield CALL_FUNCTION_VAR(1) del CALL_FUNCTION_VAR else: from ..instructions import ( CALL_FUNCTION_EX, BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK_WITH_CALL, ) def _match(self, instr, CALL_FUNCTION_EX=CALL_FUNCTION_EX, BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK_WITH_CALL=BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK_WITH_CALL): yield ROT_TWO().steal(instr) yield POP_TOP() yield LOAD_CONST(self._matcher) yield ROT_TWO() yield BUILD_TUPLE(1) yield LOAD_CONST(sys.exc_info) yield CALL_FUNCTION(0) yield BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK_WITH_CALL(2) yield CALL_FUNCTION_EX(0) del CALL_FUNCTION_EX del BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK_WITH_CALL @pattern(COMPARE_OP) def _compare_op(self, instr): if instr.equiv(COMPARE_OP.EXCEPTION_MATCH): yield from self._match(instr) else: yield instr