Source code for codetransformer.utils.immutable


Utilities for creating and working with immutable objects.

from collections import ChainMap
from inspect import getfullargspec
from itertools import starmap, repeat
from textwrap import dedent
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary

[docs]class immutableattr: """An immutable attribute of a class. Parameters ---------- attr : any The attribute. """ def __init__(self, attr): self._attr = attr def __get__(self, instance, owner): return self._attr
[docs]class lazyval: """A memoizing property. Parameters ---------- func : callable The function used to compute the value of the descriptor. """ def __init__(self, func): self._cache = WeakKeyDictionary() self._func = func def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self cache = self._cache try: return cache[instance] except KeyError: cache[instance] = val = self._func(instance) return val
def _no_arg_init(self): pass object_setattr = object.__setattr__ def initialize_slot(obj, name, value): """Initalize an unitialized slot to a value. If there is already a value for this slot, this is a nop. Parameters ---------- obj : immutable An immutable object. name : str The name of the slot to initialize. value : any The value to initialize the slot to. """ if not hasattr(obj, name): object_setattr(obj, name, value) def _create_init(name, slots, defaults): """Create the __init__ function for an immutable object. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the immutable class. slots : iterable of str The __slots__ field from the class. defaults : dict or None The default values for the arguments to __init__. Returns ------- init : callable The __init__ function for the new immutable class. """ if any(s.startswith('__') for s in slots): raise TypeError( "immutable classes may not have slots that start with '__'", ) # If we have no defaults, ignore all of this. kwdefaults = None if defaults is not None: hit_default = False _defaults = [] # positional defaults kwdefaults = {} # kwonly defaults kwdefs = False for s in slots: if s not in defaults and hit_default: raise SyntaxError( 'non-default argument follows default argument' ) if not kwdefs: try: # Try to grab the next default. # Pop so that we know they were all consumed when we # are done. _defaults.append(defaults.pop(s)) except KeyError: # Not in the dict, we haven't hit any defaults yet. pass else: # We are now consuming default arguments. hit_default = True if s.startswith('*'): if s in defaults: raise TypeError( 'cannot set default for var args or var kwargs', ) if not s.startswith('**'): kwdefs = True else: kwdefaults[s] = defaults.pop(s) if defaults: # We didn't consume all of the defaults. raise TypeError( 'default value for non-existent argument%s: %s' % ( 's' if len(defaults) > 1 else '', ', '.join(starmap('{0}={1!r}'.format, defaults.items())), ) ) # cast back to tuples defaults = tuple(_defaults) if not slots: return _no_arg_init, () ns = {'__initialize_slot': initialize_slot} # filter out lone star slotnames = tuple(filter(None, (s.strip('*') for s in slots))) # We are using exec here so that we can later inspect the call signature # of the __init__. This makes the positional vs keywords work as intended. # This is totally reasonable, no h8 m8! exec( 'def __init__(_{name}__self, {args}): \n {assign}'.format( name=name, args=', '.join(slots), assign='\n '.join( map( '__initialize_slot(_{1}__self, "{0}", {0})'.format, slotnames, repeat(name), ), ), ), ns, ) init = ns['__init__'] init.__defaults__ = defaults init.__kwdefaults__ = kwdefaults return init, slotnames def _wrapinit(init): """Wrap an existing initialize function by thawing self for the duration of the init. Parameters ---------- init : callable The user-provided init. Returns ------- wrapped : callable The wrapped init method. """ try: spec = getfullargspec(init) except TypeError: # we cannot preserve the type signature. def __init__(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] __setattr__._initializing.add(self) init(*args, **kwargs) __setattr__._initializing.remove(self) _check_missing_slots(self) return __init__ args = spec.args varargs = spec.varargs if not (args or varargs): raise TypeError( "%r must accept at least one positional argument for 'self'" % getattr(init, '__qualname__', getattr(init, '__name__', init)), ) if not args: self = '%s[0]' % varargs forward = argspec = '*' + varargs else: self = args[0] forward = argspec = ', '.join(args) if args and varargs: forward = '%s, *%s' % (forward, spec.varargs) argspec = '%s, *%s' % (argspec, spec.varargs) if spec.kwonlyargs: forward = '%s, %s' % ( forward, ', '.join(map('{0}={0}'.format, spec.kwonlyargs)) ) argspec = '%s,%s%s' % ( argspec, '*, ' if not spec.varargs else '', ', '.join(spec.kwonlyargs), ) if spec.varkw: forward = '%s, **%s' % (forward, spec.varkw) argspec = '%s, **%s' % (argspec, spec.varkw) ns = { '__init': init, '__initializing': __setattr__._initializing, '__check_missing_slots': _check_missing_slots, } exec( dedent( """\ def __init__({argspec}): __initializing.add({self}) __init({forward}) __initializing.remove({self}) __check_missing_slots({self}) """.format( argspec=argspec, self=self, forward=forward, ), ), ns, ) __init__ = ns['__init__'] __init__.__defaults__ = spec.defaults __init__.__kwdefaults__ = spec.kwonlydefaults __init__.__annotations__ = spec.annotations return __init__ def _check_missing_slots(ob): """Check that all slots have been initialized when a custom __init__ method is provided. Parameters ---------- ob : immutable The instance that was just initialized. Raises ------ TypeError Raised when the instance has not set values that are named in the __slots__. """ missing_slots = tuple( filter(lambda s: not hasattr(ob, s), ob.__slots__), ) if missing_slots: raise TypeError( 'not all slots initialized in __init__, missing: {0}'.format( missing_slots, ), ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if self not in __setattr__._initializing: raise AttributeError('cannot mutate immutable object') object_setattr(self, name, value) __setattr__._initializing = set() def __repr__(self): return '{cls}({args})'.format( cls=type(self).__name__, args=', '.join(starmap( '{0}={1!r}'.format, ((s, getattr(self, s)) for s in self.__slots__), )), ) class ImmutableMeta(type): """A metaclass for creating immutable objects. """ def __new__(mcls, name, bases, dict_, *, defaults=None): if '__slots__' not in dict_: raise TypeError('immutable classes must have a __slots__') if '__setattr__' in dict_: raise TypeError('immutable classes cannot have a __setattr__') try: dict_['__init__'] = _wrapinit(dict_['__init__']) except KeyError: dict_['__init__'], dict_['__slots__'] = _create_init( name, dict_['__slots__'], defaults, ) dict_['__setattr__'] = __setattr__ cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, dict_) if cls.__repr__ is object.__repr__: # Put a namedtuple-like repr on this class if there is no custom # repr on the class. cls.__repr__ = __repr__ return cls def __init__(self, *args, defaults=None): # ignore the defaults kwarg. return super().__init__(*args)
[docs]class immutable(metaclass=ImmutableMeta): """A base class for immutable objects. """ __slots__ = () def to_dict(self): return {s: getattr(self, s) for s in self.__slots__} def update(self, **updates): return type(self)(**ChainMap(updates, self.to_dict()))