Source code for codetransformer.utils.pretty


Utilities for pretty-printing ASTs and code objects.
from ast import iter_fields, AST, Name, Num, parse
import dis
from functools import partial, singledispatch
from io import StringIO
from itertools import chain
from operator import attrgetter
import sys
from types import CodeType

from codetransformer.code import Flag


__all__ = [

[docs]def pformat_ast(node, include_attributes=INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT, indent=INDENT_DEFAULT): """ Pretty-format an AST tree element Parameters ---------- node : ast.AST Top-level node to render. include_attributes : bool, optional Whether to include node attributes. Default False. indent : str, optional. Indentation string for nested expressions. Default is two spaces. """ def _fmt(node, prefix, level): def with_indent(*strs): return ''.join(((indent * level,) + strs)) with_prefix = partial(with_indent, prefix) if isinstance(node, Name): # Special Case: # Render Name nodes on a single line. yield with_prefix( type(node).__name__, '(id=', repr(, ', ctx=', type(node.ctx).__name__, '()),', ) elif isinstance(node, Num): # Special Case: # Render Num nodes on a single line without names. yield with_prefix( type(node).__name__, '(%r),' % node.n, ) elif isinstance(node, AST): fields_attrs = list( chain( iter_fields(node), iter_attributes(node) if include_attributes else (), ) ) if not fields_attrs: # Special Case: # Render the whole expression on one line if there are no # attributes. yield with_prefix(type(node).__name__, '(),') return yield with_prefix(type(node).__name__, '(') for name, value in fields_attrs: yield from _fmt(value, name + '=', level + 1) # Put a trailing comma if we're not at the top level. yield with_indent(')', ',' if level > 0 else '') elif isinstance(node, list): if not node: # Special Case: # Render empty lists on one line. yield with_prefix('[],') return yield with_prefix('[') yield from chain.from_iterable( map(partial(_fmt, prefix='', level=level + 1), node) ) yield with_indent('],') else: yield with_prefix(repr(node), ',') return '\n'.join(_fmt(node, prefix='', level=0))
def _extend_name(prev, parent_co): return prev + ( '.<locals>.' if parent_co.co_flags & Flag.CO_NEWLOCALS else '.' )
[docs]def pprint_ast(node, include_attributes=INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT, indent=INDENT_DEFAULT, file=None): """ Pretty-print an AST tree. Parameters ---------- node : ast.AST Top-level node to render. include_attributes : bool, optional Whether to include node attributes. Default False. indent : str, optional. Indentation string for nested expressions. Default is two spaces. file : None or file-like object, optional File to use to print output. If the default of `None` is passed, we use sys.stdout. """ if file is None: file = sys.stdout print( pformat_ast( node, include_attributes=include_attributes, indent=indent ), file=file, )
def walk_code(co, _prefix=''): """ Traverse a code object, finding all consts which are also code objects. Yields pairs of (name, code object). """ name = _prefix + co.co_name yield name, co yield from chain.from_iterable( walk_code(c, _prefix=_extend_name(name, co)) for c in co.co_consts if isinstance(c, CodeType) ) def iter_attributes(node): attrs = node._attributes if not attrs: return yield from zip(attrs, attrgetter(*attrs)(node))
[docs]def a(text, mode='exec', indent=' ', file=None): """ Interactive convenience for displaying the AST of a code string. Writes a pretty-formatted AST-tree to `file`. Parameters ---------- text : str Text of Python code to render as AST. mode : {'exec', 'eval'}, optional Mode for `ast.parse`. Default is 'exec'. indent : str, optional String to use for indenting nested expressions. Default is two spaces. file : None or file-like object, optional File to use to print output. If the default of `None` is passed, we use sys.stdout. """ pprint_ast(parse(text, mode=mode), indent=indent, file=file)
[docs]def d(obj, mode='exec', file=None): """ Interactive convenience for displaying the disassembly of a function, module, or code string. Compiles `text` and recursively traverses the result looking for `code` objects to render with `dis.dis`. Parameters ---------- obj : str, CodeType, or object with __code__ attribute Object to disassemble. If `obj` is an instance of CodeType, we use it unchanged. If `obj` is a string, we compile it with `mode` and then disassemble. Otherwise, we look for a `__code__` attribute on `obj`. mode : {'exec', 'eval'}, optional Mode for `compile`. Default is 'exec'. file : None or file-like object, optional File to use to print output. If the default of `None` is passed, we use sys.stdout. """ if file is None: file = sys.stdout for name, co in walk_code(extract_code(obj, compile_mode=mode)): print(name, file=file) print('-' * len(name), file=file) dis.dis(co, file=file) print('', file=file)
@singledispatch def extract_code(obj, compile_mode): """ Generic function for converting objects into instances of `CodeType`. """ try: code = obj.__code__ if isinstance(code, CodeType): return code raise ValueError( "{obj} has a `__code__` attribute, " "but it's an instance of {notcode!r}, not CodeType.".format( obj=obj, notcode=type(code).__name__, ) ) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Don't know how to extract code from %s." % obj) @extract_code.register(CodeType) def _(obj, compile_mode): return obj @extract_code.register(str) # noqa def _(obj, compile_mode): return compile(obj, '<show>', compile_mode) _DISPLAY_TEMPLATE = """\ ==== Text ==== {text} ==================== Abstract Syntax Tree ==================== {ast} =========== Disassembly =========== {code} """
[docs]def display(text, mode='exec', file=None): """ Show `text`, rendered as AST and as Bytecode. Parameters ---------- text : str Text of Python code to render. mode : {'exec', 'eval'}, optional Mode for `ast.parse` and `compile`. Default is 'exec'. file : None or file-like object, optional File to use to print output. If the default of `None` is passed, we use sys.stdout. """ if file is None: file = sys.stdout ast_section = StringIO() a(text, mode=mode, file=ast_section) code_section = StringIO() d(text, mode=mode, file=code_section) rendered = _DISPLAY_TEMPLATE.format( text=text, ast=ast_section.getvalue(), code=code_section.getvalue(), ) print(rendered, file=file)